
Showing posts from December 12, 2010

WikiLeaks Is Leaking

When I first heard the name WikiLeaks I thought it was some Hawaiian ritual or gathering like a luau. After recent events we all know what WikiLeaks is and the man who stands behind it. This news website was introduced in 2007 along with its' founder and director, a gentleman by the name of Julian Assange. The purpose or should I say mission of this organization is to provide the international public with leaked information derived from unnamed sources from around the world. Their news coverage is aimed at exposing the truth and expose social injustices. This of course is a noble cause but with it comes a higher responsibility of discretion and being able to discern what should and shouldn't be disclosed. Julian Assange an Australian journalist has been awarded and honored for publishing and exposing atrocities committed around the world such as toxic waste dumping in Africa, killings in Kenya, giving light to the injustices that occur around the world. In 2008 he received the ...

North Vs South Korea - The Resurfacing War

What some people do not know is that the Korean War has actually been going on since the initial war broke out between North and South Korea in 1950. It has never ended, albeit poor and not-so-eager attempts to stop it. Rather, there was merely a ceasefire that was never resolved. But whatever truce there was between them was not apparent, even to most of the rest of the world. There have been different versions as to the real cause for this conflict between the North and South Korea. Some say that it is just a cover-up for the real raging battle for political and economic power between the United States, which supported South Korea and the Soviet Union, which backed up North Korea. But the more accepted reason was the stern fight for democracy to prevail over communism, and vice versa, which was known to be the cold war between the once wartime allies. Indeed, aside from Russia under Joseph Stalin, North Korea also found huge support from its likewise communist neighbor China headed b...

Wilki Leaks Endanger Travelers Abroad

Imagine you're on a trip. You have planned it for quite some time and you're very excited. You love the place and have chosen to visit it because there is something about that country or area that you really love. You've saved your money, maybe sacrificed a little, so you could make the trip. So off you go. Sure you know that there are always certain vulnerabilities when you leave your country of origin, but you have done your due diligence, checked with travel warnings, and feel like the decision to travel was made with common sense so you feel secure. You've arrived! You check in to your hotel room. Everything is going great. But something happened. There has been a change in the atmosphere. People seem to be looking at you strange. What were smiles are now frowns. Where there seemed to be a welcome before, now there are only cold glares. Some people begin to yell, looking at you, speaking in a language you have no idea what they are saying. Imagine you are in an Afri...