Review The Other Guys So Funny It Should Get Arrested! For Being Funny!

Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg milk dry their default movie personas, but it's all part of the joke—and what a great joke it is. Sending up by-the-books buddy cop movies, these two Guys are a match made in comedy heaven. The Bigger Picture: The Other Guys is not only an odd-couple movie, but a wicked parody of badass-cop dramas, with all the shattered-glass, car-chase, bomb-exploding pomp glorified by all action pictures since Die Hard. The badasses here are Samuel L. Jackson and Dwayne Johnson, gleefully spoofing their usual onscreen roles as swaggering cops with an inflated sense of ego. The only detective who isn't jockeying for position as next top dog is Allen (Ferrell), who plays it safe at his desk, much to the frustration of his reluctant partner, Terry (Wahlberg). A high profile case comes to their attention, and at Terry's urging, they tackle it with all of the gusto and none of the competence. While they bumble around, the script unpeels their backstories like a...