At Obama's side, Clinton backs tax deal

WASHINGTON — Bill Clinton implored Democrats to back the tax-cut deal that President Barack Obama negotiated with Republicans as the former president made a surprise appearance at Obama's side in the White House briefing room Friday. Comparing Obama in '10 and Clinton in '94 "I don't believe there is a better deal out there," Clinton told reporters who'd been summoned at a moment's notice to see the former chief executive back the current one. Clinton and Obama had just finished a private meeting in the Oval Office. Obama said it was a "terrific meeting" and then turned the podium over to Clinton. The voluble former president took it away, and Obama left part-way through his remarks, saying he had holiday parties to attend. "Both sides are going to have to eat some things they don't like," Clinton told reporters. "We don't want to slip back into a recession. We've got to keep this thing going and accelerate its pace...