WikiLeaks supporters attack Amazon book offering

(CNN) -- Supporters of WikiLeaks were criticizing on Thursday for refusing to host the controversial site while apparently profiting from a book about it. The criticism, over a book available on the internet bookseller's United Kingdom site, comes the same day that a group of anonymous hackers threatened to attack Amazon. Last week, Amazon said WikiLeaks, which recently released thousands of government documents that critics say jeopardize security, violated its terms of service. Best known for selling books, Amazon also has a Web-hosting service and had been home to some WikiLeaks files for about a week. The company was criticized by politicians in the United States and elsewhere but said its own rules, not the pressure, lead to the decision. The company said specifically that WikiLeaks does not own the rights to the information it is posting. On Thursday, however, a user had uploaded a book for sale on called "WikiLeaks Documents Expose U.S. Foreig...