Wilki Leaks Endanger Travelers Abroad

So off you go. Sure you know that there are always certain vulnerabilities when you leave your country of origin, but you have done your due diligence, checked with travel warnings, and feel like the decision to travel was made with common sense so you feel secure.
You've arrived! You check in to your hotel room. Everything is going great. But something happened. There has been a change in the atmosphere. People seem to be looking at you strange. What were smiles are now frowns. Where there seemed to be a welcome before, now there are only cold glares.
Some people begin to yell, looking at you, speaking in a language you have no idea what they are saying. Imagine you are in an African City where you come to a gas station and you are the only white man for miles. Your there and a man runs up to you waving and pointing to the front page of a news paper. "US call us a cesspool!" People who once welcomed you are now giving you the cold shoulder and if there was ever an uneasy and unsecure feeling, now you have it.
This is not some fantasy story. This is the experience of this writer and possibly thousands of other travelers who leave home and end up in a place where the latest reports from the controversial wiki leaks site finds its way to the lime light. This could be the future for international travelers everywhere.
What good and noble effect these stories play in world history remains to be seen. But this writer can tell you one thing about human nature. When someone talks bad about someone else, and then shares it with everyone they can, it's not a good thing. I have always been taught that people who really care about others do not do such things. Someone said it this way, "You who have not sinned, you throw the first stone!"
Irresponsible sharing of information without any concern of the harm it could cause innocent people is unhealthy for peace at least, and considered criminal by many. One little spark of gossip has been known to cause damages beyond comprehension.
There is an old proverb that says 'A tale bearer reveals secrets, but he that is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter". Another says, "Where there is no tale bearer, there is no strife.
With the scale of tale bearing now with such media as wiki leaks, strife as never known before could soon be the result. Wars could even start, maybe thosuands could die, maybe millions! A tiny spark can cause a million acres to burn into nothing.
It is the writer's opinion that if someone has information that someone has committed a crime, it is only right and just that factual evidence should be given to 'law governing agencies' to see if the matter needs attention. If not, we can become an order less society where mob rules.
I wont, but I could almost wish that those who send information across the Internet with no concern for whom it may harm, could experience what I did on my last international trip. I was abroad to help orphans, but now I feel its not smart to travel, as you never know what hate story will come out tomorrow.
One thing I love about America is that a man or woman is presumed innocent until proven guilty. This has made us a place that people from all around the world want to come to, for our noble and honorable ways.
Do the people who crash websites and hack into companies sites that exercise their right to sell to whom they want really have a noble cause? (hello, freedom?) Do these people really have a heart to help society and bring peace, or do they want to just plain raise hell? History will tell the story from the fruit of these actions. If anything goes, one day, everything goes!
Gene Anderson is the founder of a missions organization who has been clothing, feeding, housing and caring for hundreds of parentless children in Africa for over 12 years. Anyone wishing to contact him may inquire at gene.anderson@yahoo.com.
He also trains, coaches, and instructs individuals and businesses to promote their companies through Search Engine Optimization. He is known as 'the' Google sales coach! visit him at http://www.GoogleSalesCoach.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gene_Anderson
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